Monday, November 5, 2012


Here is an update about how I am doing so far with National Novel Writing Month.

I missed the 1st day, wrote like a mad woman the 2nd day, and haven't written since.

Story of my life...

But, the day I wrote like a mad woman was extremely productive. I am at just over 4,000 words!

Occasionally I will put bits and pieces up here, but probably not often. I am constantly editing in my head and that is not the point of writing a novel in a month. Writers are asked to just write and write and write and not look back. I am NOT good at that at all. If I were to put much of my work here I would be constantly be reading and rereading it and editing and obsessing and driving myself crazy over every little thing. I have a problem. Is there an Anonymous group for constant editors and critics of one's own work? I need a 12 step program here people!

So I can use all the encouragement and coffee that I can get to make it through this month of writing like crazy. I do my best writing in one of 2 places. Sitting in a semi-busy coffee shop with headphones in and moody music playing in my ears where I can watch people interact but not be expected to participate, or in my bedroom, some British movie playing in the background. And there has to be coffee. My mind likes to get sluggish and drowsy when I sit down to write, but coffee cures any of that in a jiffy!

1 comment:

  1. Fire Jolly Ranchers are my anti-drowsy, which should make my dentist super-happy.
