I started this journey to write a novel in a month. Yesterday was day 1. I was excited because Thursdays are usually one of my least busy days. Little did I know life had a different plan for me. I knew I was meeting with someone at 4 and figured it should only last about an hour or 2. A last minute phone call changed that 4 o'clock meeting to a 7 o'clock ministry event and possibly dinner after. The meeting is for a college ministry that I am getting involved in. I soon realized that I am not in college anymore and I am feeling a bit old! But as it turns out it was great! I met lots of people and am even more excited about this opportunity than I was before.
So because of that I got absolutely no writing done yesterday. The 1,667 daily word challenge has now become a 3,334 challenge for day 2. Lucky for me I will have the house to myself tonight! I plan on running an errand or 2 after work, getting take out and having date night with my laptop and Downton Abbey. Some people listen to music while they write, I listen to late 19th and early 20th century British dramas. To each his own I guess!
I wanted to create a short map of where my story starts and where I hope to have it end, with a few ups and downs along the way. As I have learned through my past writing experience, my characters tend to come alive in my mind somewhere along the way and they rarely follow my script! They prefer to laugh at my plans and promptly make their own way through the story, often ending up at a completely different spot than I intended for them.
I quite prefer my characters to play by their own rules. The stories that I come up with are rarely genius by any means and often sound lame even to me. When the characters take control of their own fictitious lives I am released from the pressure of moving the story along. I can allow them to take credit for success or failure, and that is okay by me!
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