Sometimes people think they have uncovered a great secret, and when I don't play into their game they are confused and dumbstruck momentarily. I quite enjoy these instances.
Sweet (and sick) receptionist: Good morning, how can I help you?
Mr. know-it-all: Yeah, I just got off the phone with your customer service department and he informed me that he is located in Phoenix, Arizona.
SR: Yes.
Mr.: So you're admitting that your customer service department is in Phoenix, Arizona?
SR: Yes, that's where our call center is located.
MR.: You mean to tell me that it is in another state?
SR: Would you rather it be in the Dominican Republic like it used to be?
MR.: silence...
SR: If you would like to speak to someone here in Michigan about your bill I can transfer you.
MR.: Are they in Pontiac?
SR: Yes. They are in the next department
MR.: In Pontiac, Michigan?
SR.: Yup.
MR.: Well, I guess.
SR.: Just a moment.
MR.: ....... uh, thanks
It's not a top secret government mission that our call center is located in a different state. Were you expecting me to deny it and try to cover it up? If you were, I'm sorry I disappointed you.
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